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 Some changes needed. 

Joined: 12 May 2020
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I would like to make a few suggestions, based on discussions with several other long time players, first suggestion would be, please allow the use of multilog outside of temple/clanhall, we understand leading and such is frowned upon, and understand why, but if players are putting hours, months and years into a character to do certain things, we should be allowed to do what we like with it without doing something silly, if I have one character penting, I should be allowed to be on another character to do something else in the game on another character, it will also fluff the numbers up a little if several people dual log it'll at least show a growing or active community to someone new or returning players, multi logging was used in v3, and it was widely regarded as one of the best things to happen since it allowed for a lot more diversity in what we could do and diversity in terms of not getting burnt out by being stuck to the one thing.

Second suggestion would be please remove pent bodies when they are killed, if a grolm or gargoyle or any other enemy that dies is only dropping there equipped items and not anything additional like potions, soulstones and anything else it should be removed from the floor, it takes up to much clutter on the ground and makes it harder to click on certain things when it's already hard enough as it is with how movement works in the game.

EDIT: Also would love to see a pent counter for consecutive amount of pents touched.

Another suggestion is, please look into removing the full motion/time it takes to turn/pick up items, have a look at v3 (yes i know this is v2) and how the movement there is, it is far more smoother and enjoyable to play then what we currently have, the movement is mind boggling tedious and frustrating, cleaning it up slightly would be a major improvement and QOL upgrade for the game

Missions, the game desperately needs a v3 governor styled mission, make penting/mining something to do other then being an afterthought, add missions to kill X amount of demons or mine Y amount, give incentive to do something other then spam AT.

I'm sure there are many other things that could be added/changed but for me these are things I wish would be looked into. Also small other QOL changes are desperately needed, removing the need for NPCs to close doors when you enter a room, some slight class balancing and other things would be great.
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 Re: Some changes needed. 

Joined: 02 Jun 2016
Posts: 138
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akidakix wrote:
I would like to make a few suggestions, based on discussions with several other long time players, first suggestion would be, please allow the use of multilog outside of temple/clanhall, we understand leading and such is frowned upon, and understand why, but if players are putting hours, months and years into a character to do certain things, we should be allowed to do what we like with it without doing something silly, if I have one character penting, I should be allowed to be on another character to do something else in the game on another character, it will also fluff the numbers up a little if several people dual log it'll at least show a growing or active community to someone new or returning players, multi logging was used in v3, and it was widely regarded as one of the best things to happen since it allowed for a lot more diversity in what we could do and diversity in terms of not getting burnt out by being stuck to the one thing.

Second suggestion would be please remove pent bodies when they are killed, if a grolm or gargoyle or any other enemy that dies is only dropping there equipped items and not anything additional like potions, soulstones and anything else it should be removed from the floor, it takes up to much clutter on the ground and makes it harder to click on certain things when it's already hard enough as it is with how movement works in the game.

EDIT: Also would love to see a pent counter for consecutive amount of pents touched.

Another suggestion is, please look into removing the full motion/time it takes to turn/pick up items, have a look at v3 (yes i know this is v2) and how the movement there is, it is far more smoother and enjoyable to play then what we currently have, the movement is mind boggling tedious and frustrating, cleaning it up slightly would be a major improvement and QOL upgrade for the game

Missions, the game desperately needs a v3 governor styled mission, make penting/mining something to do other then being an afterthought, add missions to kill X amount of demons or mine Y amount, give incentive to do something other then spam AT.

I'm sure there are many other things that could be added/changed but for me these are things I wish would be looked into. Also small other QOL changes are desperately needed, removing the need for NPCs to close doors when you enter a room, some slight class balancing and other things would be great.

I strongly disagree with the suggestion to allow multis. This would lead to power players monopolizing finite resources such as chests. This isn't a game like Everquest where you almost have to have a multis to function there really isn't a strong enough group game here to warrant it.
I do like the empty bodies poofing however or have them crumble much, much faster but it does cheapen perception/SM.
Penting accrues platinum/SS already and mining gives you tradable plat of which it is the only source in the game plus you need it for some professions so neither are completely useless. Honestly the exp is so much faster here already vs the original v2 that missions would just make it more absurd but I see little point not putting them other that that. Of course it may be too much of a pain to put something like it in which may be why we don't have it Razz
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Joined: 12 May 2020
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This already happens, and that's exactly right, the fact that the handful of players still playing are stuck to doing one thing at a time is quite frankly boring and tedious after a certain time, it's not like it takes a week to max rank, we're talking weeks/months of time, so multi logging isn't going to create some sort of mass amount of characters getting high rank in minimal time.

Yes but it's not enough of a reason to pick penting over AT, AT is afk easy exp/luck. And I don't think I've seen anyone mine since I've started playing.

Adding exp for missions done in mines/pents will make it more of a viable option to do either rather then just have them as an afterthought because AT, soulstones and platinum aren't a big enough reason to pull people out of other leveling areas and bring them to pents.
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Greater God
Greater God

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Player Quests is a WIP as I can find the time to add this. Stage one is under development on the testserver.

Look at Private Pents and see if the Privates behave as you want them to, in terms of being grave free.
It is a manual process to convert them and retain the AV/WV so it can be done progressively, rank at a time.
Note that you will not be able to harvest one handed axes from them anymore...

I have never looked at the code for movement or turning so I can not comment on how easy/difficult it would be to change this.

I am not a fan of multi-logging.
We allowed it for transferring items but not for game play.

The Lord of Molten Rocks
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Brigadier General
Brigadier General

Joined: 12 Nov 2019
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How about having graves with different colors?
Blue with low items like soulstones, mana potions, gmanas, common scrolls.
Red for skua scrolls, uniques, stat scrolls. Reusing sense magic logic to determine if it should be red or not.
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Baron of Aranock
Baron of Aranock

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If you remove graves they wont have random drops anymore like rainbow belts/skuas, I was planning to add rare drops to the game eventually(no promises on this) and they wouldn't drop either with how the game treats enemies who don't have graves.
I like the idea marky had for marking graves if your sense magic is high enough tho.

Would prefer if movement and animations stayed the same as I personally enjoy how v2 feels, v3 felt too fast.

Also not a fan of multilogging, and v3 player count always felt fake since people mutlilogged.

Like lava said we're working on adding player quests, I planned to add a few related to penting/mining/some other areas.
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Second Leutenant
Second Leutenant

Joined: 14 Apr 2020
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For what it's worth I'd like to see sense magic used for logic if possible. Maybe clearer text on what's actually dropped, or like Marky said with colors. I don't mind sorting through 10-15 graves, as that's what you do in RD so rather have something drop if worth it versus nothing at all.
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Joined: 03 Sep 2016
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Lordlava wrote:

Look at Private Pents and see if the Privates behave as you want them to, in terms of being grave free.
It is a manual process to convert them and retain the AV/WV so it can be done progressively, rank at a time.
Note that you will not be able to harvest one handed axes from them anymore...

Would it not be easier to make the death/grave process check for Grolm/Gargoyle in Pents.
If true it would compare the base template against the loot in grave (axe/sword) to determine if a grave spawns?
This way if it has another item (mana/scroll/soulstone) it would still create a grave, similar to UW.

Just double checked and
Zarrotsu already posted the code for something similar under the coding section which makes pent graves age much faster:

zarrotsu wrote:
Had this idea a while ago, figured I'd cobble it together over my lunch break.

What this does is makes it so graves expire super duper fast if they meet the following criteria:

1) There is no gold on the body
2) There is no body armor on the body
3) There is no left or right ring on the body
4) There are no inventory items being carried by the body

This means graves in places such as the Pentagram Quest will expire super fast so long as they aren't carrying any soulstones or other random drop items. This would make collecting these bonus items much less tedious so you don't need to double check which grave the 'Strong Grolm' was.
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