Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 9:59 pm |
Never been around when one of these active, so apologies if covers old ground.
Purple quest: Yes (purple is forced as a champion) < Presuming this is auto set to on when start via portal, rather than having to turn purple at a certain point?
Per Kin/one champ: Best per kindred (one champion per race) < Are sorc and warr classed as separate race or the same? Presuming everything else is singular (so can't have one for temp, and another for arch temp?)
Item/Spell restrictions: Yes (loot & spells must be self earned) < Guessing there is a system flag to block people spelling/you picking things up so can't lose status by accident?
Stat/GA/Exp scrolls and gods/imps raising you is automatic disqualification. < Can get a clear definition for this? Would it rule out any exp scrolls, even self earnt? (e.g. sewers 1 chests, AT). Also, would assume hp/mana/end scrolls count as these, but if can confirm please
Also, would these (if applicable) be auto barred by a flag, or can you bar yourself if careless?
Think that everything for now. School me accordingly please