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 Champ quest questions 
Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal

Joined: 04 Nov 2017
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Never been around when one of these active, so apologies if covers old ground.

Purple quest: Yes (purple is forced as a champion) < Presuming this is auto set to on when start via portal, rather than having to turn purple at a certain point?

Per Kin/one champ: Best per kindred (one champion per race) < Are sorc and warr classed as separate race or the same? Presuming everything else is singular (so can't have one for temp, and another for arch temp?)

Item/Spell restrictions: Yes (loot & spells must be self earned) < Guessing there is a system flag to block people spelling/you picking things up so can't lose status by accident?

Stat/GA/Exp scrolls and gods/imps raising you is automatic disqualification. < Can get a clear definition for this? Would it rule out any exp scrolls, even self earnt? (e.g. sewers 1 chests, AT). Also, would assume hp/mana/end scrolls count as these, but if can confirm please Smile
Also, would these (if applicable) be auto barred by a flag, or can you bar yourself if careless?

Think that everything for now. School me accordingly please Smile
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Baron of Aranock
Baron of Aranock

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purple - autoset on start
per kin - hara/ arch hara are different classes for example. every class counts as different kin.
restricted - yes
exp scrolls etc - every scroll will dq if u use. it should stop u before you use tho.
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Greater God
Greater God

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One trap to be careful of though is experience given to you by a god or imp during a Live Quest.

The god or imp may not know that you are restricted and this will disqualify you.
If they do it by accident then they can reverse it if you let them know.

I cant recall if it was changed to give the god or imp a warning at the time.

The Lord of Molten Rocks
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Greater God
Greater God

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Ok just looked it up and the imp/god will get a warning message it they do it accidentally.
Then they can undo it to fix the problem.

The Lord of Molten Rocks
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