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 Crafting power 

Joined: 30 Nov 2016
Posts: 102
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Is there a way to set crafting power. For example if I want to make a templar (instead of complaining about them apparently)... the most they can hse is +6 bless and +7 ew. 200mod blacksmith means i wont fail on craft but ill craft +10 or more statted equipment. If i drop my blacksmitg lvl to 150 ill craft +6 but ill only craft successfjlly 75% of the time

Seems a bit unfair if I want to craft lower level gear...
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Joined: 15 Jun 2016
Posts: 169
Location: Montreal
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One suggestion that was made a while ago was to be able to select the stat + that we wanted had we reached that mod level. I think that from a logical view, a very skilled blacksmith could make items of lesser quality as well. Would help a tad bit with making good sets for ATs.
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 Re: Crafting power 
Baron of Aranock
Baron of Aranock

Joined: 03 Apr 2016
Posts: 761
Location: Temple of Aranock
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Exodus wrote:
Is there a way to set crafting power. For example if I want to make a templar (instead of complaining about them apparently)... the most they can hse is +6 bless and +7 ew. 200mod blacksmith means i wont fail on craft but ill craft +10 or more statted equipment. If i drop my blacksmitg lvl to 150 ill craft +6 but ill only craft successfjlly 75% of the time

Seems a bit unfair if I want to craft lower level gear...

Suggested this a while ago, I still definitely agree it should be a thing.
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