Vote on concept, numbers can easily change.
They would work best alongside allies.
That being said, Paladins are templars, extremely devoted to their gods.
Templar based, requires a quest to become a paladin.
You restart as private, similar to seyan, sprite is royal knight (Templar with blue cape) - You could do this as an arch templar to become a paladin, maybe doable at general or so.
Spell bonus of 1.025
Skill maxes:
Str - 100
Agi - 90
Bra - 90
Int - 60
will - 45
Hp - 850
Mana - 750
Endurance - 800
Sword - 100
TH - 100
h2h - 90
Cannot learn staff, axe, wand, dual wield, curse, curse 2, stun, warcry, harden.
shield - 110
Resist - 100
Immunity - 100
Surround hit - 90
Lock picking - 70
Perception - 65
sense magic - 75
Swimming - 100
bartering - 65
repair - 60
guardian angel - 120
Meditate - 30
Rest - 90
Regenerate - 120
Bless - 65
Pro - 50
EW - 50
Light - 120 (Paladin light!!!!)
Recall - 50
Identify - 60
Heal - 120
All professions at 120.
New abilities:
Smite - In melee range, you use your equipped shield to stun and damage your enemy, damage and stun duration based on shield mod - This ability costs endurance and mana, this is a non magical debuff, so it cannot be dispelled, and immunity does not help against it - maxes at 90 and has no spell exhaustion. I'm thinking max duration of stun would be about 2-3 seconds, and damage maxes at maybe 150-200. Damage could be reduced by armor value.
Fervor: A spell, Increase target's agility (only castable on allies), can only be cast on one target, costs mana, maxes at 75, and has a long spell exhaust (slightly longer than blast) - lasts 2 minutes. Maybe some of the skill could scale with the paladin's luck score?
Just a few ideas that comes to mind since you were looking for new ones;
Coordinated: Tags an ally for 15secs, if the ally is attacking the same target as the paladin, both gain +20wv
Aura of defense: Stop the endurance regeneration, but grouped allies close from the paladin gain armor value.
Righteous Faith: Slow downs poison and mods regeneration on allies.
Light: Since you had new plans for it, Slow downs undeads regeneration?
Resurection: skill that when cast on an ally, if they die, they spawn back next to the paladin with full HP END MANA and spells. Would be cool for pvp.
+You could also give them some type of smite ability, like a targeted blast. Used on ally it would heal the ally and stun everything hitting it, used on an enemy it would do damage and blind (like necros, probably bad) or stun (like hara/warr/merc/sorc/seyan unoriginal, no thanks) or daze (slow movement, new and unique and situationally useful!) them.
+Some way of lowering enemy armor would also be cool, don't think this ability exists other than dispelling buffs.
+Another ability that no one has, is a way to remove stun from yourself while you're stunned. Since the class is more support and not overly offensive this seems fitting.
+Abilities modified heavily by bravery would also be a good idea, just to differentiate them a bit.
I would love if they had a special shield like seyan sword, but just raising AV sounds kinda boring. Dunno what else it could do tho thats fun.
Make the special shield restore X mana when the paladin takes a hit or parries one, 1 point for each shrine visited. Then they could be like templars with awful/no mana regen but have a means of restoring it. Obviously their abilities would have a high mana cost to make this a desirable effect.
This is good because you can give them very powerful abilities with very high mana costs. That way, they have to use the abilities in an intelligent way and can't just spam them to be overpowered. Because they're limited like this you can give them powerful abilities without them just wrecking everything in sight.
Additionally, their shield could have an effect that damages anything attacking them sort of like the ice cloak, but it powers up with the shield to levels that aren't completely useless.
Thoughts? I may have missed a few things. post your ideas, the more we posts the better.
originally posted on oldforum