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 Necro Rework 

Joined: 11 Aug 2016
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Alright so a current in-game pole had me thinking, as well as some of the recent rework (nerfs) to the necromancer race. The race is widely viewed as weak or unsatisfying especially compared to the price you have to give to attain it. I was talking with some people and we all agree the Necromancer sadly does not follow the Lore of a necromancer very well at all so here are my ideas for a large rework of a this class
Dual Wield
Surround Hit
Magic Shield


Curse 2

Harvest Life (a skill when cast marks an enemy, when a marked enemy dies the necromancer recieves X% of enemies life)

In addition to these skill changes, a necromancer (when looking at the Lore) should be able to control the dead, to do this I purpose allowing a necromancer to cast 1-2 of each undead and skeleton companion ( the necromancer no longer had the ability to do much damage on his own without sword or blast and therefore must rely upon his spawns for damage) along with this give necromancers companions back their skua call (or at least one of the two companions Skeleton would be best due to the fact they are weaker and more likely to die with skua call) because a necromancers only way to heal will be through harvest life and gc.

These changes would make a necromancer very squishy like they are supposed to be when their undead armies are not near by which is how they are supposed to be...

anyways thoughts?
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Baron of Aranock
Baron of Aranock

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I'm for a necro rework if all the necros who play agrees with it.

To add the the list a few of the things I think.

60 dagger/wand
+spellpower(to 1.05 or something)

Lose harden.
Add Drain instead of harvest life(It's very unlikely u will need healing after killing something.)
I'm against giving them back skua call, aka infinite mana.(If the skele is still having mana problems perhaps it could be given a blind ammy with ankh regen instead of half ankh regen or something, or higher base conc)
At most they should only have 1 of each companion imo, having 4 total would be absurdly strong with how good they are.
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Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal

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I don't know about a rework, but my main problem with them now is how bad the pet AI is. They just blow their mana on senseless actions, and now that they don't have skua call that matters a lot more than it did.

Personally, I think the ideal solution would be to let the necro decide when they cast, and what they cast.

Other than that, multiple pets would be cool and add a bit of flavor.

I honestly don't think necros should get changes before templars though, necros are at least playable as they are right now.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2016
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Skele already has blind ammy
Drain would be so similar to poison, they dont need more damage output either imo
1 skele comp and 1 undead comp in lt gen pents or higher is = to have one undead comp
yeah sorry i forgot to mention harden under remove
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Baron of Aranock
Baron of Aranock

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Yatana wrote:
Skele already has blind ammy
Drain would be so similar to poison, they dont need more damage output either imo
1 skele comp and 1 undead comp in lt gen pents or higher is = to have one undead comp
yeah sorry i forgot to mention harden under remove

Blind ammy has half ankh regen, not full which is what i meant.
If they had no weapon and only 2 gcs their damage output would not be much different from what it is now.
You underestimate how good it is to have 2 units to bait enemies while u grab pent after pent for free.

Botar wrote:
I honestly don't think necros should get changes before templars though

I agree
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Joined: 11 Aug 2016
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Nah ive played with comp I know how it works to have multiple allies to run around. Im just saying higher ranked stuff skele gc dies to quickly especially since skua call was removed, even 2 undeads at the same time would be significantly less dps than the one undead and my sword/dw as it is now.

Another idea could be to mark the enemies and when they die, they get reanimated for 15-30 seconds as undead or skele gc (randomly) after X time they die transfering exp to master and releasing a cloud of poison smoke (stackable maybe?) no limit on how many reanimated companions you have, then you only allow us to keep one permanent gc out at a time. Skua call would not need to be given back because they will die by the time their mana runs out anyways and you could make dps be really whatever range you wanted, would be hard for them to do anything but pent with this plan though
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