Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 6:37 am |
The 6th Champion's Quest is opening today, it will end on October 6th 2016.
Parameters of the quest
Min lab completed: 12(all of them)
Min castle: 1
Min rank: Col
Per Kin/one champ: Best per kindred (one champion per race)
Item/Spell restrictions: No
Deaths allowed: Yes
Beware on some rare occasions castle quest can reset, if you fear for this happening take a SS upon finishing the quest or type /data before touching the turnin portal.
Warlord rebirth characters will be able to enter this Champion's Quest and only this one, there will likely not be one like this again.
Becoming a champion will grant you a champion weapon of your choice.
Stat/GA/Exp scrolls and gods/imps raising you is automatic disqualification.
Time is done by ingame time based on how long your character has been online.
Time will not be shown until the end of the quest.
For more information on Champion Quests see