Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 6:11 pm |
Not sure where to post so here we go.
I recently downloaded windows xp x64 Pro ISO to run on VMware Fusion but the snapping of the frame by the guest tools made it horrible.
I tried to see how linux would run and I found that it is much smoother and responsive.
However I ran in a lot of trouble (linux). I automated all this into a script so my fellow aranockians can enjoy a better gaming experience as well.
# Note: This is for Debian based systems (Ubuntu, Mint, ..)
## 1. Copy pasta this into <filename>
## 2. chmod +x <filename>
## 3. ./<filename>
# Downloading
echo $'\e[1;33m'[-]Launching download script$'\e[0m'
echo $'\e[1;34m'[*]Starting download of essential files$'\e[0m'
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt update && sudo apt install wine32 -y && sudo apt install wget -y && sudo apt install icoutils -y
echo $'\e[1;32m'[+]Download complete$'\e[0m'
echo $'\e[1;34m'[*]Downloading Aranock Online$'\e[0m'
mkdir $installation_folder && cd $_
echo $'\e[1;32m'[+]Download complete$'\e[0m'
echo $'\e[1;34m'[*]Extracting files$'\e[0m'
echo $'\e[1;32m'[+]Extraction complete$'\e[0m'
# Setting up configuration
echo $'\e[1;33m'[-]Configuring files$'\e[0m'
echo $'\e[1;34m'[*]Creating desktop shortcut$'\e[0m'
wrestool -x --output=aranock.ico -t14 $launcher
echo "[Desktop Entry]
GenericName='Aranock Online'
Exec='wine $installation_folder/$launcher'
Categories=Game" > Aranock.desktop
chmod +x Aranock.desktop
sudo cp -v Aranock.desktop /usr/share/applications/
cp -v Aranock.desktop $HOME/Desktop/ && rm Aranock.desktop
echo $'\e[1;32m'[+]Desktop shortcut created$'\e[0m'
echo $'\e[1;34m'[*]Setting screen size$'\e[0m'
xrandr -s 800x600
echo $'\e[1;32m'[+]Resolution set to 800*600$'\e[0m'
# Launch game
echo $'\e[1;32m'[+]Game is ready$'\e[0m'
echo $'\e[1;33m'[-]Run the game with "wine Aranock.exe" and click on close for the error$'\e[0m'
echo $'\e[1;33m'[-]Or through your desktop launcher$'\e[0m'
## 4. winecfg
## 5. wine Aranock.exe
Sometimes this gives an error due to the winedbg configuration not set properly.
I've yet to find out how to do it.
As for now just hitting close will run the game.