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 GC does not follow into Grolm pits in Lab 8 
Second Leutenant
Second Leutenant

Joined: 27 May 2018
Posts: 89
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With all the /gctome improvements taking it everywhere including Prison endings, not having it for the grolm pits makes lab 8 a HUGE stumbling block for GC Haras.

This is the first time I've ever tried pumping up a GC and its near impossible being dumped into the pit without the GC after putting so much EXP into GC and having a much weaker Hara.

The GC also does not come back to the Temple with you after solving Labs.

Something you may want to consider.


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Joined: 03 Sep 2016
Posts: 48
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GCTOME is for teleportation to different areas where the GC normally can't reach.
Lab 8 tiles are pitfall's. You can turn around and make the GC walk(fall) down the hole by getting it stepping on them.

The teleport back up uses GCTOME since the GC can't get out otherwise.

On solving labs it gets destroyed (unsure on transferred) to avoid abuse. People used to get items out of labs on a GC.
It's just a purge of everything magic/drug etc.
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