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 Scroll Stacking and Exp times 
Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal

Joined: 12 Nov 2016
Posts: 18
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QOL. Are we able to make BWISA scrolls stack like the other spell scrolls? Also are we able to add timers to items in game. IE on Math hat or unique items so we know when they are going to poof.
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Greater God
Greater God

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Yes - The technology exists the add counters to BWIAS scrolls.
I would need to check if it is a s simple as clicking the stackable flag or whether some minor coding is required for those drivers.
I may also need some new sprites to indicate that they are stacked or max stacked.

No - times will not be added to uniques to indicate they are going to disappear. The whole purpose of the possibly controversial changes to the unique system was to allow circulation of the uniques to a wider group. If you know the date and the time then you can just camp and spam kill the appropriate critters to just reclaim the item again.

The Lord of Molten Rocks
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Baron of Aranock
Baron of Aranock

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Sadly just adding stacking to them doesn't work so yea they'll need a code change.
While you're at it is it possible you can get rpot/gpot/dpot to be stackable? They're another item that causes huge inventory/storage issues.

I dunno about giving them a # sprite for stacking tho since you could justify that for everything thats stackable, which would be incredibly annoying to do.
If possible it would be nice if stacked items rendered the number in the stack separately from the sprite like tlg does
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