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Brigadier General
Brigadier General

Joined: 12 Nov 2019
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Make them not listed on website's version of /who. And no progress on champ quest page, except started and finished.
Should give enough info, but hide the data that can be used to generate time tables and such.
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Greater God
Greater God

Joined: 16 Mar 2016
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Location: The Land Down Under
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Omitted from the "Top" lists that show rank and ppm.

The Lord of Molten Rocks
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Second Leutenant
Second Leutenant

Joined: 27 May 2018
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Marky wrote:
Make them not listed on website's version of /who. And no progress on champ quest page, except started and finished.
Should give enough info, but hide the data that can be used to generate time tables and such.

Of course if the next CQ is a 48 hour IRL time competition the start and finish times would still provide your competition's info...

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Joined: 03 Sep 2016
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Firstly thanks to LL for sticking to his guns about limiting people from champ weapons. I have a few characters with some and I will make a few characters more.
Why? - I see it pointless to make a character unless its a champ, it's that much of an advantage that I literally just threw away my old noble characters.
This isn't the case for everyone. As mentioned it is a RACE and everyone can't be winners. Sorry.
If I want to spend the time making 3 Champs this season AND I manage to beat everyone for those 3 Champs, guess what? I win!

I don't know who suggested the IP thing but honestly.... why?
I share a house with my brother who plays, why the actual fuck should that make a difference? If any IP Lock (this or other event) happens I will delete all my characters.
When these 'solo mode' quests are over and we team up for the quests does it matter? No - get a friend to play, organize times to be on.

Personally I hope the soul-vacuum thing never appears in Champ Quest AND the first place 'alt weapon' is removed. But that's only due to the points above where I had to get rid of my old-school characters.
Both Points from Drink and Zraaq are both valid. The game has been out a long time, items get added / balanced / removed from attaining.
They don't always remove a players item which can be an advantage or disadvantage to the player. The item's how you got it at the time. It's how v2 works and spending time inspecting each item would be a waste unless it was very overpowered.

1. Enter the race, come first for your class and get your prize. Otherwise good luck next time.
2. If the information is available to everyone, use it as you see fit. Abuse? No. The information was there for everyone!
As long as you are not cheating / hacking you're good.

100% guarantee there are strats in the game people are using that everyone doesn't know about. Especially for champ quest, its competitive.
I know Drink spends a ton of time trying to optimize and redo his pathing to shave off time.
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Greater God
Greater God

Joined: 16 Mar 2016
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Location: The Land Down Under
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Sorry Rat but Soul Vacuums are here, now and they can hurt like hell as they suck you dry.

Testdummy paid the ultimate sacrifice when his vacuumed soul got disconnected but he died so that you could feel safer.
Fortunately that was debugging on the Testserver.

The Lord of Molten Rocks
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