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 RD2 review 

Joined: 15 Jun 2016
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So I spent 2 hours lately in rd2 to test it out after your ring change.

First I shall start with something I don't quite understand. I thought there was no more level limit on the ring. But every time I add a gemstone, I require level+1 for the next one. Maybe it is me who didn't understand the change in the changelogs. In the end it seems like it is the same thing as prior in terms of cap. The difference is that there is no need to get a high level ring right off the bat.

Rings; These aren't very rare to be honest. I found 6 in about an hour then stopped picking them up. You might want to review the drop rate if it is intended to be rare.

Gemstones; This part is pretty awful. It seems every skill is represented. Got a repair gem, a craft gem, harvest gem, perception gem, sh1 gem, sh2 gem, etc. The range of levels also makes it hard to actually use in the ring. The highest drop I got was level 7 harvester.

Mechanics; Each time I add a gem to the ring, the gem level increases in the ring making it so that I need a higher level gem compared to ring gem level to socket a new one. When a new one is socketed, the min rank for the ring increases. When comparing to huge saphs, I would need to be one rank above warlord and would have to get level 2-24 gems to socket to get the same amount of stats. Making it grossly under powered as of now. After a total of 3.5 hours spent in rd2, I have not found 2 of the same gem to be able to test the impact of increasing the mod so that part, I cannot speak on. Overall, at this point in testing phase, it is really pointless even when going for perfect spell rings. The rng involved is significant. The statistical probability of getting lets say 9 gems of the same skill at increasing higher levels is minuscule.

Monsters; I cannot see many players being able to solo this. even with around 260-280 mod curse/curse2, i get blasted for 25-40% of my hp. The no stun and overtuned bases and spell powers make it unlikely to be an accessible feature.

Ghost; The ghost curses and blasts for high mods. When double cursed, it can still hit 30% of my 820hp as an rb1 AH and I am by no means poorly geared. Unless using prison set, no AH can hit that hp. Can heal as well.

Golem; Seems about right. Regen may be a bit much though.

Arch Hara; This one is the massively overtuned monster. The spell bonus is out of whack. I think I saw 370 mod spells on one of them which means the spell power is over double that of a RB AH making it blast as strong as the ghost despite having 40 mod less. Its spells are so powerful that it hits an AT with 280 axe more often than the golem. On top of having the longest stun I have ever seen. With 260 immunity, it stuns for over 6-7 seconds. This one should be reviewed.

Warrior; Very very very weak. Undertuned if you ask me. It has anywhere between 80 and 150 less mods than other mobs in rd2. It is a massive joke.

Wolf; Seems fine. Corrode is new so I don't know what it does really.

Placement; Packs of mobs seem to gather in bottom right corner. Could be a spawner issue.

Money; seems right.

Overall fun challenge for an hour but lack of reward and mass rng makes it pretty useless for me. Even for a spell set, the loss of 2 huge saph or ROPs makes it very uninteresting especially considering the crazy amount of rng to make good rings. The fact you cannot solo, that every mod has immunity in the 250 range except warriors and the slow killing time makes this place not very attractive.

Thanks for hardwork in making it though. Just needs some tuning i think!
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Greater God
Greater God

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That is good feedback and quite comprehensive, Asmo.
Well done.

The area does need comprehensive and time based testing and this helps.

To be fair, I have been deliberately not over powered the rings or the gem drop rates as it is way easier to increase these than to later drop them.
I will have a look at them.

How many gems did you find and over what period? That is a critical bit of info that I do not have.

LW took over the monster balancing from Moto and can have a look at your feed back there.

Note: They made me remove the NPC with dispel. It could clean all your spells in a number of seconds and if you had mass attacked then it was game over.
They are such spoil sports. Twisted Evil

The Lord of Molten Rocks
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I found a gem about one in every 4-5 monsters overall. I had a nice streak with like 5 gems back to back. The great thing is that the gems don't get looted like the rings and gold.

I notice that the concept is heavily similar to my socket idea that I suggested a few years ago with crystal and whatever. I remember even seeing gfx for those. I think the big issue is the balance. So I will suggest something that might change how we view this place a little bit.

Mob density and type;
As of right now, a RB Sorc/AH + RB At/Seyan will completely wreck this place if they go 2v1. For solo, not all classes can compete and it isn't even because of the difficulty, it is because class mechanics taken away. No stun, no effective curse/warcurse/curse2. This is overall a giant mentality shift over other game features. Instead of bombarding us with large amounts of monsters like in pents or in Atown, we are limited to the uglier (my opinion) models and with limited numbers.

I always imagined rd2 as the natural continuation of rd1. AT, AH , Sorc, Warr, Necros, Seyans even. In the same manner as rd worked, have larger groups of monsters which we could kill en masse. This iteration is not at all what I was hoping for. The current situation is attack one mob, double curse, wait and repeat once dead. Dispel your tank if needed and that is it.

I would suggest, if possible, adding a higher diversity of monsters in there. I understand it takes more time to balance as well which gets to my next point.

Right now, the balance is out of whack in terms of the desired effect. Making this a RB zone. The general difference between a normal non Rb toon and a Rb2 is about 25 mod points which can be pretty much reduced with the proper gear, spell set and drugs.

I would suggest, having the general level of the monsters reduced to something around the level of the current warrior in there but add a much higher density to mimic the function of rd2. This would also reduce the tedium of looking for gemstones due to the 2 variables which are making ideal gem drops very rare (type and level of gem).

Add limiting elements such as gold and other items to the socketing process to allow for higher levels or maybe add max amount of different stats to the ring so that we can actually create items worth replacing saph/rop with.

Capacity of increasing level of gem just like SS function.

That's all i can think about this early in the morning.
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Greater God
Greater God

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Probability of drop[ping a gem and the probability of a higher level gem implemented.
The gem limit is still +10 but this is until I work out what works and is not over powered.
There is no theoretical max other than the max rank of a player (i.e 23).

Note that if you find a +9 gem, do not waste it by adding it to a +3 ring.
+9 gems are rare and +4 and + 5 etc. are more common.
The number of gems added to a ring determines its level.
You can add any gem to a ring provided the gem's level is higher than the ring's level. The ring is not the restriction.

So currently, you can build a +10 ring on any skill or attribute or hp/end/mana as you see fit.
You can also mix and match if that is what you want.
You can have a +5 sword and +5hp. +5hp = 5 * 50 = 250 hp.

If we did the mass execution style you mentioned we would need to review the drop rate as it would change the frequency dramatically.

The Lord of Molten Rocks
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Baron of Aranock
Baron of Aranock

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Having it based on many targets makes it SUPER harakim biased just like rd1 is, not particularly a fan of making rd2 have that same issue.
I do believe the rarity is too high and max gemstone level is too low right now tho.
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The question is how does this become non skewed to a certain set of classes.

Right now, no class can solo rd2 in a general sense without extensive SS/spell sets. Sorc and Hara cannot solo this efficiently if at all. Obviously they can take some of the monsters individually but as a whole... no. ATs and Warriors have little no chance due to no curse on AT and lower mods on warrior. Necros are in a better position but it will take a long time to kill. The only real contender is an RB seyan.

Of course if by some miracle you have perfect spell sets and not just a mediocre one, you can solo better but any efficiency requires duo.

The question is what is the sweet spot between challenge, efficiency and reward. At this point, tedium is the main element obtained. You can potentially spend hours without getting one single gem you want to make a sub par item. But i think adding numbers makes it more interesting. Even if gems drop 100% of the time, the time required to pick up enough is still way too long from what I experienced. Also the min rank really gates anything else. Theoretically getting 23 stats sounds great but you need to be warlord to use.

A change in how min rank is calculated might be more interesting. Like having min rank based on number of different skills with more valuable ones being worth more and less valuable ones affecting less. I think that would make the ring worth much more and gating the item only with gem levels to increase.
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Joined: 15 Jun 2016
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LazyWarrior wrote:
Having it based on many targets makes it SUPER harakim biased just like rd1 is, not particularly a fan of making rd2 have that same issue.
I do believe the rarity is too high and max gemstone level is too low right now tho.

Also the only reason it is harakim biased is due to blast2 one shotting most monsters at higher mods. This is easily fixed with higher hp. Every class has aoe curse except AT due to loss of warcurse. Every class has some form of aoe damage. I see little issue if you are looking at RB mods. While also looking at the reality that with higher mods every class now wrecks RD, AH just being faster at it. I think it will end up being a non issue in the end if you balance to reduce ah speed somewhat.
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Greater God
Greater God

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I thought B2 was slightly reduced recently.
Maybe no one noticed.

The Lord of Molten Rocks
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Lordlava wrote:
I thought B2 was slightly reduced recently.
Maybe no one noticed.

Might explain why i don't always 3shot uw barons without c2 even with 287 mod.
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Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal

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Personally I like the difficult single mob focus of the place.
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Joined: 03 Sep 2016
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Reviving 2yo post Razz

Just tried RD2 today.
I could kill some mobs easily, others were hard. (RB1 Knight Necro)
Not a bad mix, ill be fine in another 10mil exp I think.

Asmodeus hit it well with the mobs.
Golems/Warriors were easy-ish for me
Wolfs were doable but sometimes I had to run.
Hara was a beast.... Pokes like a boss! 300 enh at work!

Possible Ideas:
- Combine 2 of the same gem for 1 higher level
- Increase the value of gemstones ... I get 8-10g selling (Cant even find a vendor who accepts them) maybe make them worth more based on there level.

Only reason to farm here would be gemstones to make custom rings.
Don't forget they activate so a +10bless Ring would be +20when activated (5 higher than ROP) so its ok if u target a skill.
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Second Leutenant
Second Leutenant

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Yeah I think I was expecting a continuation of RD1, FDM + mobs that are set at max Non RB rates that you can mass Kill. Just no Guardian Angel Scrolls please. Smile
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Greater God
Greater God

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Gem combinations on the list to consider.

The Lord of Molten Rocks
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Second Leutenant
Second Leutenant

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Idk that RD2 is really used that much or is even usable with the stats of the Npcs that are there. Not sure how high it is on the list but might make it more usable if stats are maybe like fdm and higher to WL like RD1 stops at Gen.
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Greater God
Greater God

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I am trialling two things over a few days.

Overall range of the skills have been lowered and the min stats for the wolf has been lowered further.

Let me know if there is any difference.
The objective is not to make it so easy that everyone ends up with uber rings and a heap of stat scrolls.
However, it must be doable by high end players.

The Lord of Molten Rocks
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