Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 6:55 am |
I thought of some little changes that might give less frustration!
- Make dreadling eye collector come at the bottom of your inventory once you've /sort (now when u /sort the collectors go almost all the way at the top... above all armor pieces you got in inv atleast. As soon as you collect eyes.. you need to scroll trough your complete inventory just to put it in the collector. And scroll all the way back (and up again!) for the second eye.... This is only a problem when you got a lot of armor pieces in your inv (which i think 90% of high ranked players have.)
- Show what potion drops into a grave (we all know the feeling (especially templars!!).. seeing a potion drop and you didnt see what grave.. check 15 graves.. find the potion ... just to see a (gr) healing potion!!
I prefer to see: "You notice a mana/healing potion drop into your victims grave. Dont make it too easy... make mod perception allow this. Maybe 50 mod perception to see normal mana/healing and 100 perc for greater mana/healing pot. Or 100/150 or 100/200.... you get the point.. suggestions welcome)
Small things that would make Aranock even better then it already is!!
Greetings from Holland